Monitoring and Notifications -

When I need to tell other people about things

Standards & Regulations

Fostering Services National Minimum Standards (England) 2011:

The Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011:


  1. Introduction
  2. Critical Incidents
  3. Notifications

1. Introduction

This information tells you which agencies must be notified where certain situations that are either critical incidents or notifiable events happen.

Wherever an event listed in the table at the bottom of the page happens, your main priority is to make sure the child is as safe as possible. You must then contact your Supervising Social Worker as soon as possible so they can inform the Designated Manager, who is responsible for sending the notifications to the agencies listed as soon as possible. This is usually the Manager of the fostering service.

Notifications will be sent as soon as possible after the even has occurred.

The Manager may notify the agencies initially by telephone, but this must be followed up in writing using the appropriate form

A copy of the form will be:

  1. Sent directly to the relevant Statutory Authority(ies) within 24 hours - including weekends, as per schedule 7.
  2. Placed on the relevant child and or your file.
  3. Placed in the folder for all critical incidents.

2. Critical Incidents

Critical Incidents are not always as clear as notifiable events; however if you have any doubts or are uncertain you should always seek advice from your Supervising Social Worker.

Examples are;

  • Assault by a foster child on you or a member of your household.
  • Serious accident or injury to you whilst carrying out their duties.
  • Any event which may result in media interest.
  • Conduct of any foster carer, not directly connected with their role, which may raise questions about their suitability as a foster carer.

All foster carers have a responsibility to report to their Supervising Social Worker or duty worker who will inform the service's Manager of the incidents. There should be no delay in reporting the incident or event.

3. Notifications

Click here to see the Notifications Table.